Tuesday 13 October 2015

Smartphone Market Share a Brief Comparison

Android, iOS and Windows are three major players of smart phone industry. There was a time, when smart phone refers to iPhone or Blackberry; but things get changed tremendously and now the leader is Android and don’t think about the status of Blackberry- it is limited to as low as just 0.3% of the industry share! So the competition is now between Google’s Android and Apple’s iOS with a little ray of hope for Microsoft’s Windows in the coming future. Let’s discuss the market share of these smart operating systems and the triggering factors that has changed everyone’s life in the industry.

iOS app development, Mobile App development, iphone app development india, iphone development india, iphone development services, offshore iPhone apps development servicesAndroid- The smart Operating System Giant! Before a decade, things were in favour of iOS and Blackberry; but now the industry is flooded with Google's Android devices. The ecosystem is so large that it seems larger than everything. As per the data of IDC (International Data Corporation), the Android market share is around 82.8% of the global market!! The budget smart phone and open source operating system concept of Android made it possible over years. Though, the share was little more in past year during same period i.e. Q2 2014 with 84.8%. Still Google is the clear winner in terms of number of Android devices shipped this quarter as per IDC information. Many OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) like Samsung, Huawei, Xiomi, Lenovo and LG contributed tremendously in the global market for Android. On the other hand, Indian manufacturer like Micromax, Spice mobile and Intex also contributing as per their potential. Anyway, Android is the smart phone leader in the industry and it is expected to intact its position for another 5 years without any fear; if IDC assumption is considered as true.

iOS- For those who loves quality over anything: Apple is for those people who love quality over everything else. Apple does not allow anyone to produce hardware devices for its flagship operating system i.e. iOS. With Apple's iPhone and iPad iOS is at 2nd position with a hooping market share of 13.9% in Q2 2015 as against 11.6% in Q2 2014. So, it is good news for Apple lovers that, there is a growth of Apple's iOS devices in last quarter. Though many gossips are there over internet for the growth of iOS device i.e. iPhone6 that has contributed maximum; but neither of them is absolutely true. Many tried to make the industry confused by spreading news like iPhone6’s large screen helped Apple's market share to grow. But that is not true; because Google's Android Lollipop runs in many 5.5 inch or 6 inch screen now. Then, why their market share could not grow? Obviously, it is all about quality that Apple provides!

Windows- Still struggling to understand the user DNA! After the acquisition of Nokia, Microsoft tried a lot to be a second Apple; but all remain as a daydream only!! Now, Microsoft realized that the venture for Nokia mobile acquisition was a wrong decision. In fact, that was the time to concentrate more on its Windows Operating System instead of entering into the market with both hardware and OS. Lots of loss, lots of layouts and followed by a strong stroke from industry made Microsoft rethink its business policy. The CEO of Microsoft is now clearly announcing that in coming years they are going to revive windows operating system without much focus and money investment over Nokia. Anyway, Microsoft's Windows operating System has seen a slight growth in market share in this quarter from 2.5% (Q2 2014) to 2.6% in Q2 2015. Though there is decrease of 4.2% market share in Q2Q comparison in 2015. Now, Microsoft is going to focus only on few Lumia smart phones that may help it revive in the industry.

Devices that play important role in market: Apple's iPhone and iPad, Samsung, Lenovo (along with Moto), Huawei, Xiaomi, LG and ZTE are playing strongly in the global market for iOS and Android. On the other hand, Nokia's Lumia and Backberry are the in-house OEM products for Windows and Blackberry OS respectively. For Android Operating System, the biggest giant is Samsung and especially its Galaxy models are simply getting outstanding response from around the globe. In fact, Samsung itself shares the major part of the Android Eco that is larger than next 5 player’s together share. In developing countries like India and China, manufacturers like Micromax and Xiaomi plays important role in contributing to the market share of Android. For Apple, it’s only iPhone and iPad. For Windows, it was only Nokia but recently, Samsung made an agreement with Microsoft to produce OEM devices for Windows as well to keep its place safe for future. Now, you may find Samsung devices with Windows OS installed.

Smart app developer and their contribution: Apple's app store contains millions of iOS apps with soaring quality. If you
iOS app development and would want to get it to the app store, you need to craft it very wisely and thoroughly; because, Apple may reject it at any moment of time. On the contrary, you can freely launch your app in Google Play Store without much hassle and worry for a permission. However, your app may not be successful if you are not able to get good rates by users; but that is a different story. Hence, smart developers inclining towards Google's Play Store as a result, the volume of Android apps is getting larger over time. In fact it is bigger than that of iOS apps in the industry with figures like 1,6 million Android apps against 1.5 million iOS apps as of July 2015. On the other hand, users will get enough option in Android Play Store to choose one from a lot. The number of downloads in Android Play Store is much higher than that of iOS like 70% more downloads w.r.t. iOS. But, if we consider revenue; here Apple makes a giant leap since iOS apps are usually more quality focused and of higher price. Anyway, we find sometimes quality remain suppressed by the size of the app, feature of the app and most importantly user experience of the app. User loves to install tiny size app instead of high quality heavy app having lots of unnecessary features that they might never use.

Verdict: growth of Smartphone industry in future is a damn sure: Anyway, we have reached at the end of our topic. Now, it’s time for Verdict. Undoubtedly Android is going to dominate the industry in coming decade; still there is no certainty in IT industry where IT giant like Microsoft get rejected by the industry in no time. But whatever may be the situation, the growth of smart phone industry is a damn sure; well in future the term Smartphone may be replaced with anything else, then that will remain at the top in the industry.

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