Wednesday 9 September 2015

Mobile app Development in 2015

Industry had never estimated the potential of mobile devices before a decade!! In fact, things get changed so rapidly that no one could catch the grip of the change!! Industry gets flooded with smart devices due to their unmatched usability and quality. It became a hand held device for every user throughout the globe. The most important concept behind its success is its portability nature and web browsing ability. No need to sit down in front of your desktop for web browsing; do it from your palm that too at any place around the globe with mobile network connectivity like 2G, 3G or WiFi. As a result, the way of web application development get a new look and shape; now it’s more smart-user centric. The term website transforms into smart sites. The popularity, the demand and the market penetration of smart apps or mobile apps are increasing at an exponential rate! It is already predicted that, the Year 2015 will be even more and grander for the smart app developer’s point of view.

mobile app developers, mobile app development expertise, Windows Phone app developers, iOS app development services, expert mobile app developers, mobile app development, mobile app development services, app developers, app developers india, app development services2015- The Year will take a giant leap for a smarter world: With the overnight popularity of smart devices in the industry especially in the developing countries like India and China, this year is going to be a grand one from the mobile aap development point of view. Smart phones and tablets including phablets have a wide range of screen size and resolution starting from as small as just 2 inches to 10 inches will make the industry tremble with the demand for responsive mobile apps that can impart similar user experience in all those devices. To fulfill the demand, there will be an astonishing change in the smart app development process.

Mobile apps will be more interesting with modern features: The mobile apps that were only focusing on Opera Mini browser will no more exist and will extinct from the industry. Because, there are lots of new and advanced mobile browsers in the industry like UC browser, Dolphin browser, Android Chrome, Android Mozilla and Safari etc. Now, the mobile app development process will be more critical; because the mobile developers need to focus on a wide range of browsers.

Smart apps will be smarter by losing their weight and getting slimmer! Yes! Due to small device memory and bandwidth issues, now mobile developers will be forced to develop light weight mobile apps that can run smoothly in these constraints. Light weight means faster loading, efficient event handling, optimization and better management of resources. The new generation mobile apps or smart apps will be lighter enough to provide better user experience irrespective of device memory and mobile network bandwidth.

Smart apps now focus more on cross platform app development: Platforms like Google’s Android, Apple’s iOS, Microsoft’s Windows and Mozilla’s Firefox are making the situation even complicated for the mobile app developers. Was a time then, when web developers focused only on the Windows operating system and IE browser! Now, in 2015 the web developers or mobile app developers must consider all these market players to reach at more number of customers without much hassle. Making a cross platform application is really challenging especially when there are considerate numbers of players brawling in the industry. But, they have to because they have no other option left!

Every industry will be App Only: Understanding the potential of mobile app development and mobile platform, now almost all industries are trying recreating their web application fit for the mobile devices. In fact, they are not hesitating to opt for an absolutely different and attractive smart version of their original website with all functionalities intact. Recently, we are finding a tremendous change in the e-commerce domain; they are forcing their customers to use their apps by offering better discounts and offers for app users. This is really challenging and seems that the nest generation industries will be App only to reach at every palm without much effort and in a effective manner.

Virtual memory to be the first choice of mobile app developer and user: Memory term is getting loose over period. The KB got replaced by MB followed by GB and now by TB. Still, human want is endless. So, the born of Virtual memory i.e. Cloud storage by major IT giants of the industry like Google, Apple and Microsoft etc. Now, keep your users data on cloud storage at an affordable cost and in an extremely secure environment. Moreover, the size or volume of the storage is simply beyond our imagination. Though it is not yet used over a large scale; but 2015 is going to be a golden year for Cloud technology. Mobile apps are going to be served from cloud i.e. server is on cloud, the database is on cloud and the application will run from Cloud!!

The volume of smart apps under Playstore and App Store: With the increasing popularity of smart phones and smart operating systems in the industry,
mobile app developers will be forced to create more and more quality apps for these platforms. Well, the Google’s Play Store and Apple’s App store is already having a huge volume of smart apps i.e. both web app, native app and hybrid app; still user demands more!! To fulfill their demand, more numbers of smart apps are going to be launched this year i.e. 2015. Needless to say, the new apps are of higher quality considering their challengers being already available in the industry. The older apps will get transformed into smarter one too.

Microsoft is going to focus more on OS and smart apps instead of hardware devices: Now, about the Microsoft!! After failure from the hardware mobile industry with Nokia; now, Microsoft has decided to focus more on its Operating System i.e. smart operating system Windows 10. It is already cleared that Microsoft is going to revive in the industry with the help of its flagship product i.e. Windows 10 again and keeping the hardware device manufacturing unit for a later consideration. Again, 2015 is going to be a fortunate year for Microsoft; because it is now boosting the mobile smart app developers to build apps for its platform i.e. Windows. It has kept the door open for android and iOS developers to make their app available for Windows users with minimal modification. On the contrary, it enables smart app developers in building quick cross platform smart apps that is really a wonderful thing for the industry.

Mindfire Solutions has a strong development team that is vested only in mobile app development using a gamut of platforms. Its certified team of developers has created extremely user-friendly mobile apps that have been greatly cherished by clients. We suggest you take a look at our
mobile app development expertise and let us know if you would be interested to partner with us for you next app development.

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